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Under the auspices of the President of North Macedonia, H.E. Stevo Pendarovski 

Call for applications closed on: 31.01.2023

Macedonia2025 is a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to building strong partnerships and linkages worldwide, and working together towards building a stronger nation. We represent a platform for all Macedonians around the globe to unite and join our efforts in supporting the economic and democratic growth of Macedonia.

Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp provides an opportunity for youths of Macedonian origin to further their knowledge in coding and robotics. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to get in touch with their roots and network with Macedonians from all over the world, in an inspiring environment by the Ohrid Lake.

Macedonia2025 announces an Open Call for Scholarships for the third Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp, which will take place in Ohrid, North Macedoniaon July 19-25, 2023.

Ohrid High-Tech Excellence Camp combines traditional summer fun with an exclusive opportunity to develop and practice coding, STEM, and robotics skills with peers from all over the world. Based on the specially designed STEM curriculum of the Israeli license for STEM international programs presented in over 50 countries in the world “Young Engineers” through an official representative within the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia “Young Engineers Skopje Macedonia”, children will be introduced to an interdisciplinary approach of learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with use of LEGO bricks. Furthermore, the participants will learn how to program and use the FABLE components.    Participants will be challenged to innovative thinking, will need to identify a problem that people face and propose a solution through the creation of an innovative project and the presentation of the basic human skills that are necessary for the achievement of a common goal by a group of different people who need to show mutual respect and care. These aims will be achieved through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations as challenges on which participants will work together and will learn to try and not give up, to be the next generation of leaders and innovators, tackling the world’s most difficult challenges.

This Camp is also an opportunity to establish friendships, strengthen and build on native Macedonian culture, explore local nature and our cultural heritage, and experience Macedonian cuisine and specialties.


– Improve high-tech skills (coding, programming and robotics);

– Promote greater enrollment of youth, and especially young women, from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics);

– Establish connections and networks among young Macedonians living in North Macedonia and young diaspora members, and support cross-cultural exchanges between them;

– Establish and strengthen the connection of young diaspora members with their homeland, developing their sense of giving back to our homeland/community; and

– Interact with some of the top leaders in the country, including the President of North Macedonia and top business leaders from the country.


This weeklong camp will consist of both theoretical and practical sessions that teach medium/advanced coding and robotics skills.

The training sessions will take place over the course of 5 working days (4 hours/per day). The rest of the day will be filled in with organized activities, such as cultural events, socialization, field trips to local sights, beaches, and sightseeing. Supervisors, lecturers, or volunteer chaperones, will accompany participants at all times.

Participants will be equipped with the following:

   • Interdisciplinary skills in STEM basic and advanced STEM principles, coding, robotics, by internationally licensed Young Engineers / Robotics & Innovation Academy;

   • Skills and abilities necessary for the 21st century, such as: Programming languages; Science and Engineering; Problem-, product-, project-based learning; Teamwork; Core leadership values; Outside the box thinking; Critical thinking; Creative thinking; Problem-solving;

   • Becoming Generations of Global Citizens who realize their power to build a better future with the use of technology

The program delivery will focus on modern, highly effective teaching and learning methods. The program curriculum will be delivered by certificated STEM lecturers. Participants will work in groups or in pairs to complete a customized project. Participants will work with exclusively available know-how for innovative learning based on a strategic plan and educational system supported by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, iCarnegie at Carnegie Mellon University, and New York State Education Department, awarded by the British Ministry of Education.

Besides the core activities of the Camp, Macedonia2025 will enrich the Program with:

   • A meet and greet with President Pendarovski, a discussion on Democracy and Leadership, and an accompanying visit to the presidential villa “Biljana” in Ohrid;

   • Motivational discussions with members of the Macedonia2025 Board of Directors, with rich professional experiences and high competencies in computer science and engineering, passion for technology, and an entrepreneurial mind.

The Cultural Socialization and Networking will be comprised of the:

    • Orientation and team-building activities

   • Networking with youths from different countries, engaging in cross-cultural learning experiences, exchanging ideas, and building networks for future international cooperation

   • Public speaking activities that will enrich communication and increase the presentation skills of participants, as well as their creative and critical thinking

   • Improving foreign language competencies (English/Macedonian)

   • Cultural activities and programs in partnership with the largest national music and arts festival, “Ohridsko Leto”.


Ohrid Hi-Tech Excellence Camp will take place on July 19-25, 2023 in Ohrid, North Macedonia. The venue (a 3+ star hotel facility) will be announced in due time.


Macedonia2025 continues to monitor and follow policy, procedures, and safety measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and well-being of our community and participants are our top priority. We are collaborating with state, and local agencies to implement best practices aimed at managing the spread of Covid-19.

We remain optimistic that the camp and its activities will be realized. However, the situation with Covid-19, domestic Covid-19 safety restrictions, and international travel regulations are beyond our control.


The official language of instruction is English. However, we highly encourage the use of the Macedonian language in communication outside of the classroom.


   • Students aged 11-15, who are interested in deepening their knowledge in the fields of coding and robotics

   • Macedonian students and those of Macedonian origin from the diaspora

   • Adequate knowledge of the English and Macedonian languages is appreciated

   • Basic knowledge of Coding, Programming and Robotics

   • Youths from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds will be given priority in the selection process.

Note: Gender and ethnic balance will be promoted.


In order to apply, you need to submit a completed application (HERE) and Parent consent form (MK and EN) on the Macedonia2025 E-scholarship Platform (HERE).

The instructions and clarification for required documentation for scholarships for OHRID HI-TECH EXCELLENCE CAMP 2023 are available on the E-scholarship Platform (bottom left corner)


   • Administrative pre-selection of the applications by Macedonia2025

   • Selection of successful candidates by a Selection Committee

   • The selection committee will have a personal interview with the protentional candidates

   • Selected candidates from the diaspora will be notified by January 20th, 2023, while candidates coming from Macedonia will be selected by February 20th, 2023.

Gender, ethnicity, and participation from different countries will be taken into account when creating a diversified group of participants.


The scholarship fully covers all costs for the Camp.

The Camp scholarship is covering classes, camp set of materials, FB accommodation, excursions, and transport costs.

Note: The organizers reserve the right to provide partial scholarships, based on individual socio-economic background. The organizers will provide for the participant’s travel arrangements from Skopje to Ohrid.


   • The President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski – Official Patron of the Camp

  • MASIT – The Macedonian Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technologies, represented by their member companies: Brainster ISourse

   • Young Engineers e² Young Engineers – Skopje, MacedoniaYoung Engineers – Homepage

   • Robotics & Innovation Academy

   • Ohridsko Leto – Cultural program partner


Certificates for successful completion of the program will be awarded to all participants.

As our beneficiaries, you are invited to be involved in Macedonia2025’s programs and activities in the future.

After program completion, beneficiaries are required to complete a satisfaction survey and submit testimonials.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

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The 2023 School of Policies of the Presidential Center for Political Education will be organized in the spirit of democratic political values, promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms, political pluralism, mutual tolerance, unity and solidarity. Therefore, the School will strive to connect participants with different professional experience and background, who have a desire to contribute to the positive development of the society with their knowledge and skills, through five educational seminars with eminent lecturers and trainers from the country and abroad.

Participants in the 2023 School of Policies will have the opportunity to:

  • improve their knowledge on topics of democracy, sustainable development, European integration and communications, while understanding the process of policy making;
  • attend lectures and interactive workshops by top domestic and international experts;
  • work individually and in groups with prominent individuals – their peers from the social and political life in the country;
  • strengthen their communication, leadership and soft skills;
  • gain access to current literature on the topics and participate in related social debates;
  • make significant contacts and network with experts in the fields covered by the School.

The School will be held from March to November 2023, on weekends. Attendance at all five educational seminars is mandatory. Participants who complete the School will receive a certificate.

Criteria for participation:

  • 21 – 35 years of age;
  • citizenship of the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • working knowledge of English, knowledge of another foreign language will be considered an advantage;
  • prominent participation in the social and political life in the country, encouraging positive changes;
  • solid knowledge of social terminology;
  • work experience will be considered an advantage.

Required documents for application:

  • The application that can be downloaded at the following link;
  • Europass CV;
  • Two recommendations by professors/employers/coworkers, relevant to the topic of the School;
  • Essay written in English on one of the following topics: 1. “My contribution to positive change in our country” or 2. “My vision for a democratic development of North Macedonia”.

More information about the 2023 School of Policies of the Presidential Center for Political Education is available at

The selected candidates may be called for an interview, which would be held live or online, depending on the current health situation in the country at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The full application should be sent no later than February 22, 2023 to:

MK2025 Foundation is a Partner in the PCPE, as well as the following foundations and associations: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation – Branch Office in Skopje; Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Branch Office in the Republic of North Macedonia; Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation, Branch Office in Skopje, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), Branch Office in North Macedonia and International Republican Institute (IRI), Branch Office in Skopje.

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Call for applications closed on: April 14, 2023, 23:59

Do you need practical knowledge to improve your business?

Do you have a business idea, but you don’t know if you are on the right path?
Learn all the steps for starting and running a successful business. Apply for the Business and Entrepreneurship Development Training – the LEADER Project.

Macedonia2025 announces an Open Call for the Business and Entrepreneurship Development Training: the LEADER Project, which will be held for the 15th time on May 8-19, 2023 in Skopje. The LEADER Project is implemented in cooperation with the Ivey Business School – Western University, which has been successfully implementing the program since 1991. This program is a ten-day Management and Business Administration (MBA) training that encourages and supports Macedonian entrepreneurs, young managers and professionals to develop local, regional or international business solutions that will create new opportunities for social and economic development.

Participants will have the opportunity to develop their business analytical skills and fully develop their business sense. In addition, participants will be able to work closely with the LEADER Project’ instructors to transform their ideas into actual businesses or to introduce innovation in the operations of their already existing businesses. No matter which group you belong to, the LEADER Project will help you get a step closer to achieving your goals!

Target Group

– Participants up to 35 years of age

– Entrepreneurs

– Business leaders

– Company owners

– Young professionals who want to turn their business idea into reality or to progress in their career

– Everyone interested in deepening their knowledge in the field of business and entrepreneurship.


– Excellent knowledge of the English language

– Solid presentation and communication skills

– Having an innovative business idea or a business with growth potential

– Curiosity for knowledge and desire to advance one’s business idea or existing business

– Strong drive for professional growth

– Possibility for attendance each working day for four hours during the two-week training.

Key Benefits:

– You will learn the skills and tools needed to properly run a business through the interactive “case study” learning method

– You will gain valuable knowledge and skills for each stage of business development related to strategy, finance, marketing, promotion, sales and growth

– You will be able to identify the biggest obstacles to running your business, in collaboration with the instructors

– Candidates have access to individual mentoring sessions with one of the instructors or mentors provided by Macedonia2025.

The lectures are prepared and delivered by highly qualified instructors and mentors from the Ivey Business School – Western University in Canada.

Program Delivery Module

The Program is planned to be delivered in-person.

The Program will consist of ten (10) four-hour sessions. Each session includes one (1) case study, one (1) lecture, and one (1) hour of entrepreneurial coaching.

Date and Location:

This year the LEADER project will take place from May 8-19, 2023.

The LEADER project lectures will take place every working day (4 hours per day) in Skopje. The exact location will be announced in due time.

Selected participants will be additionally informed on the training venue.


In order to apply, you need will need to fill-in the Application Form, and attach the required documents within. At the end of the process, you should have submitted:

– Completed application;

– CV in English (Europass or similar format)

– Descriptive short biography of up to 200 words in English

– High resolution photo

Selection Process:

– Administrative pre-selection of the applications is done by Macedonia2025

– During the review process, candidates may be asked to submit additional documents or attend a short interview;

– Selection of successful candidates by expert commission by 18 April 2023;

– Notifying all selected candidates by 20 April 2023;

– Sending the required materials for participation latest by 25 April 2023.

Participant’s fee:

The LEADER Project, a ten-day Management and Business Administration (MBA) training is worth 500 Eur per participant.

Participants’ co-participation fee is foreseen in the net amount of 60 EUR (taxes apply), whereas Macedonia2025 covers the remaining part.

Important Notice: Certificates will be awarded only to the participants who attend a minimum of eight days of training.

Depending on the quality of the applications received, the number of scholarships may vary from the one in previous years.

As our beneficiaries, you are expected to be involved in some of Macedonia2025’s programs and activities in the future.

After a certain period of the program completion, beneficiaries are also required to complete a survey on the impact of the training on their business or in the development of their business idea.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Application Deadline: April 14, 2023, 23:59

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Call for applications closed on: 10.03.2023

Macedonia2025 announces the 2023 Open Call for scholarships for executive training at the globally renowned Kellogg School of Management

Since 2017 the Zafirovski Executive Education Program of Macedonia2025, in partnership with the Kellogg School of Management (KSM), provides scholarships for Macedonian business leaders to the globally renowned Kellogg Executive Development Program. The program aims to enhance the competencies and performance of Macedonian business leaders and contribute to the further development of the Macedonian economy and society.

The Kellogg School of Management, since 1908, has been at the forefront of transforming business education. Kellogg is a global business school with a vibrant community of faculty, staff, students and alumni who shape the practice of businesses and organizations around the world. Kellogg brings a blend of theory and practice to its rigorous academic experience, creating a dynamic learning environment. Watch the promotional video of the Kellogg School of Management HERE

The Robin and Mike Zafirovski Foundation support the Zafirovski Executive Education Program. Macedonia2025 sincerely appreciates their dedication and commitment to elevating the development of the future 100 business leaders in the country. By supporting the business leaders’ growth, we hope they become progressive members of Macedonian society and contribute to building a stronger nation.

The Zafirovski Executive Education Program offers three (3) scholarships in 2023 for the Executive Development Program (EDP). Note: the posts are open only for the blended program which combines online and on-site training.

Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP) trains high-performing managers to become successful leaders. They can learn what it takes to guide organizations through uncertainty and disruption, from general management fundamentals to topics at the forefront of modern strategy. Kellogg EDP provides the most comprehensive general management overview. It’s a unique balance of business school essentials and emerging topics—from digital transformation to design thinking. The curriculum extends beyond the fundamentals to prepare future leaders for the challenges ahead. This intensive program focuses on a highly immersive and supportive learning environment that emphasizes the foundational business skills needed by general managers to understand and lead the workforce in which the business operates, the key functional areas of management, the development, and implementation of corporate and business strategy, and the promotion of organizational learning. With a finger on the pulse of business, Kellogg ensures the curriculum keeps pace with the ever-evolving challenges and complexity of executive leadership.

Program details:

     • The program consists of a blend of live virtual and in-person delivery sessions of the Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP) delivered by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA;

     • Rigorous & interactive curriculum (In-person capstone week; distinctive workshop integrating design and business thinking to create an actionable plan; delivered across two months to suit the busy executive’s schedule; modular in design; each week aligns with a core theme; digital-first collaboration and group work tools; managed by a dedicated Virtual Delivery Support Team);

     • Each participant contributes a fee of $8,500 USD, which includes lodging and most meals;

     • The total value of the program is approx. $33,550 per participant (blended experience);

     • Additionally, each participant covers his/her transport cost and visa requirements.

The program additionally offers: Comprehensive Leadership Accelerator Opportunities: mentoring, networking, experiential learning, recognition, and benefits via Kellogg Alumni Status, as well as ongoing support.

Macedonia2025 requirement:

Each participant should: i) prepare and present an individual capstone project for a specific business/challenge in Macedonia and ii) actively contribute to the preparation and presentation of a group capstone project for the betterment of the Macedonia2025 program/activity of choice.

Target participants: 

     • High-performing mid-level to senior management executives on a path to becoming general managers;

     • 10+ years of professional experience;

     • Functional senior leaders who must interface with other functional areas outside of their expertise;

     • Principals of small and medium-sized firms, and entrepreneurs or owners of small companies with growth potential.

     • All candidates should have budget responsibilities and be able to contribute to discussions.

Additional requirements:

     • Candidates must be fully supported by the existing employer.

     • Strong English reading, listening and speaking skills are required.

     • Written recommendations by Macedonian Zafirovski Fellows are strongly encouraged and will be considered. Please see a list of our Zafirovski Fellows HERE

     • We strongly encourage female candidates to apply!

Optional Item: Leadership Coaching Package at a price of $ 3,000

Leadership coaching is provided for those who want to maximize their impact as a leader. You’ll work one-on-one with a Kellogg leadership coach to set personal goals and explore situation-specific leadership strategies. On-site coaching sessions occur during the early mornings, lunchtimes or evenings.

The 2023 Executive Education Programs – The Blended Experience Scheduled Dates
A blend of live virtual and in-person delivery sessions from May 1 – June 16, 2023Live Virtual Zoom Half-Days (May 1-5: Faculty Sessions (Required); May 15-19: Faculty Sessions (Required))
In-Person Full Days (June 3-16: Faculty Sessions (Required) at Evanston Campus, Illinois, USA)

Please visit the EDP’s official website HERE or the program’s brochure HERE for more information.

Three scholarships are available for 2023 (open posts for the blended program only)

To see written/video testimonials from Zafirovski Fellows, click HERE.

How to apply?

In order to apply, you will need to fill-in the APPLICATION ASSESSMENT FORM, and attach the required documents within. At the end of the process, you should have submitted:

     • Completed Application assessment form;

     • EDP Kellogg Application Form HERE

     • CV in English (Europass or similar format);

     • High-resolution photo;

     • Recommendation by Zafirovski Fellow (optional)

Selection Process

     • Administrative pre-selection of the applications is done by Macedonia2025;

     • During the review process, candidates may be asked to submit additional documents;

     • Pre-selection of potential candidates is done by an expert commission by 15 March 2023;

     • Final selection will follow after a personal interview with Mike Zafirovski;

     • Notifying all selected candidates by end of March/beginning of April 2023.

Important Note

The Call is only open to Macedonian executives and managers of companies located in Macedonia, who plan to develop their professional careers in the Republic of Macedonia and contribute to the economic development of the country.

Scholarship recipients of Macedonia2025 education programs in the previous three years are not qualified to apply. Please note that priority will be given to applicants from companies whose employees have not been previous scholarship recipients of this program.

The Open Call for Kellogg EDP closes on March 10tt, 2023.

Looking forwards to YOUR application!