Trying to become a better version of yourself and seeking continuous growth, both as a manager and a leader, were always high on my personal goals. So, when the opportunity to participate in the Executive Development Program (EDP) from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University arose, I grabbed it immediately. I chose the three weeks of in-person immersive options of the program in Evanston, USA.
44. 100. 140.
That is 44 classes, 100 readings and 140 learning hours from Sunday through Friday in immersive three weeks of interactive learning from inspiring, world-class, interdisciplinary professors, and even more importantly from bonding, sharing and exchanging experiences and ideas with a diverse group of managers and executives from 12 countries from all over the world.
The whole program was structured in a form of a story that unravels itself as the classes and sessions are progressing. It did not matter if we were discussing finance, marketing, and accounting; talking about VUCA environments, macroeconomics or decoding global crisis; or doing break-out sessions and realistic computer simulations; jumping deep into the world of digitalization, AI, and Omni channels; or even talk about cultural differences and psychosocial profiles. This was one big interconnected educational puzzle that formed into one big clear picture at the end.
I am utterly grateful to Macedonia2025 and Mike Zafirovski for making it possible. Kellogg’s EDP is a life-changing experience that I would recommend to any manager and leader, especially if you are committed to personal and business growth.
Leadership is a lifetime journey. Never stop growing.
Participant: Dimitar Popovski, General Manager
Company: TZG Europe DOOEL
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